Scenes from around the Town and Village

Scenes around town...

Cheney Mt. winter hike (Larry Wintel, Jr)

Cheney Mt Trailhead, Winter '12 - '13Winter view from Cheney Mt

View from Cheney Mt., winter 2012 - '13



And back in the Village, deer visit a front lawn on Spring St.

Deer at Bird Seed Feeder, in Port HenryDeer visit to front lawn bird seed feeder



Champlain's Best Wash opens: Town, Village, and Chamber officials welcome new owners Ken and Paula Ladeau. Opening Wilcome to Moriah's Best Wash



October, 2012:

28 Funky Folk photos in one

Funky Folks are back for their 2nd season  Pizza Cook stick figure

Funky couple of stick figures





Funky stick figure at Library










  Foote's Port Henry Diner has re-opened.  View of interior - counterSign over Port Henry Diner







      Welcome back






The traffic circle is now dedicated to Jack Woods, longtime Chamber President and active Village resident. Traffic Circle, Main and Broad St.









Painting the Diner "Volunteers" re-painting the old Miss Port Henry Diner, anticipating its re-opening as Foote's Port Henry Diner. Painting the Diner














New murals and restored historic advertising:

Mural in progress at Presbyterian Church


Painting the mural - photo by Janet Denney





Bragg Bros old advertising

Village Square










Champ Photos

How many "Champs" can be seen around the community?


Submit Your Photo

Have a photo to contribute?  Attach it to an e-mail and send it to JohnV "dot" PortHenry "at" gmail "dot" com.  Please be sure to provide an appropriate description or explanation in the e-mail, if the subject is not obvious.


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This site is maintained by the
Moriah Chamber of Commerce.