Twilight Bird Hike at Crown Point State Historic Site

Twilight Bird Hike at Crown Point State Historic Site

Crown Point State Historic Site will host a Twilight Bird Hike with Gregg Van Deusen, 7:00-8:30 pm on Fridays, May 6 and 20. Participants should meet outside the museum at the benches.

They will be exploring the transition between day and night looking and listening for frogs, woodcock and owls as well as the few songbirds who sing as it gets dark. When darkness falls we will challenge our eyes trying to trick them and compare our vision to animals who live in the night. Gregg Van Deusen is a forest Kindergarten teacher. He has an AA in Rural Resource Management from Sterling College, and a BS in Outdoor Education/Natural History from Northland College and been an outdoor educator for almost 30 years. His walks use the senses to explore how an ecology of an environment interacts and coexists. Trails are likely to be muddy, so waterproof boots are needed as well as a flashlight, as the sky transitions to dark night during the walk. Ages 6 and up – families encouraged to attend! Registration required and participants limited to 15. Please call 518-597-3666 or email to register.




Crown Point State Historic Site
21 Grandview Drive, Crown Point, New York
Ph: (518) 597-3666
Fri, 05/20/2022
7:00 PM