Wilderness First Responder

Wilderness First Responder

This June, Wilderness Rescue Training is offering three NOLS Wilderness Medicine classes on Long Pond in Adirondack Park. A room and board option is available for just $44 per night.

Our weekend Wilderness First Aid class is a fun, hands-on, weekend-long introduction to the principles of wilderness medicine. Hiker? Mountain biker? Climber? If you enjoy spending time off the grid, this course is for you. From canoeing in the Adirondacks and backcountry skiing in Vermont to micro adventures in your own backyard, these skills will serve you and your family well, wherever you recreate.
The nine-day Wilderness First Responder is the industry standard for professional guides, trip leaders, SAR team members, and many ski patrols. WFR training is also smart risk management for travelers planning an international itinerary and outdoor enthusiasts who take extended trips without a guide. It’s also a great place to meet like-minded folks for future outdoor adventures. If you’re already a WFR, we’re also offering a WFR Re-Cert on June 15 & 16.




Pok-O-MacCready Outdoor Education Center
1391 Reber Rd POB 397, Willsboro, New York
Ph: (425) 753-1168
Visit Web Site   
Sun, 06/09/2019
12:00 AM